ePART Enterprise User Guide
Volume 1
HOME Level
Prepared for
Department of Transportation
State of Montana
February 15, 2024
Celtic Systems
8961 E. Bell Road
Suite 101
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Revision History
Version |
Date |
Name |
Description |
.01 |
3/30/2016 |
First Draft |
.02 |
First Review |
1.0 |
Second Review |
ePART Guide, Version 1.00
Document release date:
This manual and the software described in it are furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license. The content of this manual is for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Celtic Systems. Celtic Systems assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.
Celtic Systems
8961 E. Bell Road, Suite 101
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Table of Contents Navigation from Screen to Screen
The objective of the User Guide is to provide a step by step description of the new system flow with various screen prints.
Refer to Appendix A – Acronyms when you need an explanation of abbreviations in the user guide.
The user must have access to Internet and the ePART URL and an assigned role that is associated with current responsibilities and ePART transactions.
ePART has several modules/sections in the system which can all be accessed using the section headers located on the left column of the screen. Three of the sections headers, when selected, will display additional subsections within them. A user can maneuver easily through the various ePART sections by clicking the section header icon to expand it and see the available options in that section.
The ENTERPRISE Level User Dashboard screen is the first screen the user will see when they successfully log onto ePART. The applications and corresponding menu options displayed will depend on the role the user is assigned in ePART.
Below are the various sections that can be accessed by selecting or expanding one of the headers:
· Customer Dashboard – Provides a search screen to select an account to view and provides a snapshot of the Customer account after clicking the Account No. Link. The Customer Dashboard also has various sections that will display based on the view selected. The sections include:
o Customer Summary
o IFTA Summary (if there is an associated IFTA or Alternative Fuels Account)
o IRP Summary (If there is an associated IRP Account)
o Pending Transactions (associated to the selected Customer)
o Permit Summary (if there is an associated Permit Account)
· Services – This section contains the various applications available in ePART (depending on a user’s role). Those applications include IRP, IFTA, Permits, and Alternative Fuels.
· Operations – This section contains other system functions such as Finance
The “ENTERPRISE” designation is found at the top of the screen.
From the ENTERPRISE Level of ePART, the user will expand the SERVICES header on the left side of the screen to select one of the applications (IRP, IFTA, Permits or Alternative Fuels) and the associated menu will display.
For example, selecting IFTA from the Services submenu will display the IFTA level screen and menu
Each ePART application will have its own menu options which are specific to the application functionality. After the application is selected, the menu options will display.
Some ePART screens have a search and selection feature. All Inquiry screens have this. On the Inquiry screens, the user will enter the search criteria and a grid will display with the search results. The information in the grid will differ depending on the object being searched. The user can then select one item from the grid to view additional detail or select the record for processing.
For example on Resume Application in Permits, the user would enter the Application Number and click the Proceed button. If more than one supplement or application exists for the account, the information grid will display. Based on the information in the grid, the user can select the supplement or application to process by clicking the SELECT icon located on the left of the supplement line.
Once the user is processing a transaction/supplement, the tabs at the top of the screen indicate a transaction’s progress by colors/shading. These tab color indicators will vary depending on the application and the selected supplement/transaction within the application.
The tab color indicator schema is as follows: Tab items in a light blue/green (turquoise) color (Account) indicate screens the user has navigated through. The highlighted tab or in the darker turquoise color (License) indicates the transaction step currently being processed. The remaining tabs in a grey color (Jurisdiction, Credential, and Permit) indicate processing yet to happen. The user may navigate back to a previous tab by selecting the desired tab. The MAIN MENU and INQUIRIES tab are there for all transactions.
MAIN MENU returns the user to the MAIN MENU of the application and INQUIRIES displays a pop-up screen. The Inquiry screen may be used at any time and does not interrupt the transaction/supplement being processed.
The navigation from screen to screen in ePART is performed by selecting push buttons at the bottom of the screen in the command line. The following five push buttons are common to most screens in ePART and control the navigation:
PROCEED – performs edits on data entered on the screen and if information passes edits, ePART proceeds to the next screen
CANCEL – Cancels the transaction/supplement (Backout transaction)
QUIT – User will exit the transaction; however the transaction is not cancelled. The transaction can be continued using the WIP feature.
REFRESH – Refreshes the screen (removes all data entered) to look the same way as when the user entered the screen
“?” (Encircled question mark) - Displays a pop-up screen with help information to assist the user in entering the correct information on the screen
Messages in ePART are displayed at the top of the screen for most transactions. There are three types of messages, Information, Warning, and Error. Each message type has an indicator to designate the type of message. Errors will normally prevent the transaction from continuing; however informational and warning messages will allow the transactions to continue.
1. “I” – Information messages usually appear in blue font
2. “W” – Warning messages appear with an exclamation mark and are usually in a yellow hue
3. “E” – Error messages appear in red font
In ePART, all data entry screens have a verification screen. The verification screen is displayed once all the edits are passed for the initial entry screen. Normally, the only push buttons on the verification screen are PROCEED and BACK. PROCEED saves the information to the database. BACK allows the user to go back and update the information as required and proceed forward again.
A Customer must be created at the Enterprise level before an application account (IRP, IFTA, Permit or Alternative Fuels) can be created. This will be done by MDT staff and is created before the initial login can occur.
Follow these steps to do an Inquiry on a Customer:
· From the Enterprise level menu, select CUSTOMER INQUIRY from the CUSTOMER menu box and a Customer Inquiry pop-up screen will display
· User will select Proceed
· Select the VIEW link on the far right of the customer entry to display detailed information about the Customer.
· Click the TREE link on the left of the customer result grid to display the Inquiry tree
· Any node on the Inquiry tree can be selected for detail information
· “+” can be expanded
· “-“ can be compressed
· History provides history information on the Customer
· Date and time listed is when the Customer was changed
A Customer record must first exist in ePART for a user to issue an Unladen/Hunter Permit
Follow these steps to do a Hunter Permit Inquiry:
· From the Enterprise level menu, select HUNTER PERMIT INQUIRY from the UNLADEN/HUNTER PERMIT menu box and a new Hunter Permit Inquiry pop-up screen will display
· On the Inquiry screen, enter Permit Year or Permit No.
Select PROCEED to execute the search
Click the View link of the desired permit to be viewed
A permit summary snapshot will appear displaying the customer and permit details
To reprint a Hunter Permit do the following:
Enter at a minimum the Account No., (enter additional information to narrow the search)
Select the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY TYPE from the drop down list
Select PROCEED to generate the Permit
Users can use CHANGE PASSWORD to change their own password. To change a password, do the following:
· From the Enterprise level menu, select CHANGE PASSWORD from the USER menu box
· The USER ID should pre-populate from the user’s profile, with editable fields for an Old Password, (New) Password and Confirm Password
· SECRET QUESTION and SECRET ANSWER are auto-populated from previous information and can also be changed at this time
Select PROCEED once the information is updated to change the password
This function verifies the client prerequisites of the system.
This function provides a history of all system version and details for each update, including date/time stamp, release id, application type, user id and description.
Logout will close current session of user and re-direct to Log In page.
Upon sign on to the application, the user will able to see the available business period in the upper right corner along with their corresponding office location, user name and user role.
Transactions/supplements are added to a cart for payment. A cart payment can be collected by doing the following:
· From the Finance application level menu under the Operations header, select CART PAYMENT from the PAYMENT menu box
· If a cart exists with added transactions, the cart will be listed on the screen
· Otherwise, you can search using the information at the top of the screen
o Invoice No
o Invoice Date From/To
o Cart ID
o Legal Name
o Select SEARCH to search for carts matching the criteria
After a cart is selected:
· To remove a transaction from the cart:
o Select the check box next to the transaction
o Click the REMOVE button
· To continue to add additional transactions to the cart, click the SAVE & QUIT button
· Click PAY to perform the edits and display the validation screen
· ePART displays a shopping cart icon at the top right corner of the screen to indicate if there is/are transaction(s) in the cart with a value corresponding to the number of items in a cart
Click the PROCEED button to proceed to payment from the validation screen. The screen displays the invoices in the cart ready for payment.
On the payment screen, if the user wants to make a payment using credit card or E-Check, there is an Electronic Payment button. The user will select either Credit Card or E-Check as the payment type and then click on the electronic payment button which will open an electronic payment popup window.
The popup window will display a description of MDT ePART using the NICTM site.
The payment amount field will be populated with the total amount to be paid by credit card or electronic check from the ePART payment screen.
On the next screen the user will select the payment type. They will click on next when done.
The next screen is for the customer information. Most of the information will be prepopulated. Complete the screen and select NEXT
On the screen below the following will be entered: For credit card payments the user will enter the credit card number and corresponding expiration date. For electronic check payments, theuser will enter the account type, bank account number, and bank routing number. Click next when finished.
Once all customer and payment information is entered, the payment confirmation page is displayed with amount of the ePART invoice and the total amount to be charged to the credit card, which includes the fees. Click the “Submit Payment” button to get the Payment Receipt Confirmation screen to approve the payment. At this point the payment can be cancelled until you click submit payment.
On the Payment Receipt Confirmation screen, click the “Continue” button. The user will receive confirmation that that the payment was successfully completed and a confirmation number which will appear next to the credit card payment type on the ePART payment receipt. The electronic payment pop-up window should close automatically.
During the electronic payment data entry time, the ePART payment screen will become disabled and it will get the updated information from NICTM to update the ePART payment details.
Upon updates to ePART, the system will disable the payment type, payment number and payment amount paid on the NICTM site.
The Payment Receipt Reprint option allows a user to reprint a payment receipt already issued/printed.
To view this information, do the following:
· From the Finance level menu under the Operations header, select PAYMENT RECEIPT from the REPRINT menu box
· Enter any additional search criteria, if available
· Select the desired Electronic Delivery Type (PDF, Email, or Print)
· Select PROCEED
· A list of records that match the search parameters will appear
· Click the Cart ID link for the payment receipt to be reprinted
· The payment receipt which was originally produced will be generated in the selected electronic delivery type
Uniform Resource Locator |
International Registration Plan |
Work In Progress |
Administrator |
Taxpayer Identification Number |
United States Department of Transportation |
Portable Document Format |
Commercial Motor Vehicle |
AP |
Account Payable |